Project name

ECO 143 Project



Project description

ECO 143 Project is an environment platform that aims to increase the environmental awareness of the community about the importance of natural resources and conservation; to reinforce education about solid waste avoidance and volume reduction through source reduction and waste minimization; and to provide training on composting, recycling, reusing, and recovering, and creating waste material into something environmentally acceptable. Further, this project considers different factors in the community such as health, education, and livelihood which stand for ECO 1 (No Poverty), ECO 4 (Quality Education), and ECO 3 (Health and Well-being).  ECO1 focuses on livelihood providing the community with a series of training and workshops on how they will be able to transform, upcycle, recycle, and craft different materials out of different waste materials in the community that could be a source of living or livelihood. ECO4 includes different symposiums, seminars, and training to re-inculcate the value of proper solid waste management and the importance of the environment. ECO3 encloses different seminars, training, and symposium that tackles the harmful effects of a dirty environment and other practices that damage the environment to health.

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